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    3. STEM week - Biscuit Experiment

    STEM week - Biscuit Experiment

    2 March 2021 (by Amy Henderson (AHenderson))

    Children in our Reception bubble carried out a soggy biscuit experiment.

    Our story this week 'Oliver's vegetables' has a main character called Oliver. Oliver tried lots of new vegetables in the story and he liked them but now he is ready for a treat! He wants biscuits, but he likes them soggy.

    Firstly - how to make the biscuits soggy?  Some reception children suggested using water, hot water, vinegar, milk or juice. 

    We split into two groups and tried out some of these ideas, using timers to try and find the perfect length of time. The biscuits fell apart at one minute - too long, so we tried counting for shorter periods of time and both groups agreed counting to 10 - 10 seconds was perfect. 

    One group found that cold water worked the best and the other group decided milk was perfect for making a soggy biscuits that didn't fall apart.

    Well done to everyone who helped with the investigation.